Privacy Notice
Shaping the Future of Innovation (STFOI) is a project of the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, the European Union (EU) and IDB LAB in collaboration with the Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (CARIRI) as the executing agency. STFOI is funded by the European Union and the IDB LAB. CARIRI has appointed a consortium led by Beta Technology Limited and the European Business Chamber in Trinidad and Tobago to support the management and delivery of STFOI.
The STFOI funders and delivery partners take your privacy extremely seriously and will process your data and personal information with the utmost professionalism, discretion, and integrity, in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.
This policy sets out how we will use your data and personal information when you engage with, or apply for funding from STFOI, and when using the STFOI platform
The data you provide to STFOI may be used for the following:
- Respond to enquiries.
- Keep you informed about news, events, and calls for proposals.
- The evaluation of grant applications (Innovation Challenge Facility).
- To monitor ongoing SFTOI funded projects.
- Communicate and disseminate information about, and the results of, STFOI projects.
- Maintain internal records, including those required by STFOI funders.
We are committed to ensuring that your data is secure and to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect. This includes the processing and storage of data held on the STFOI platform, managed by a third party AIMS Software Limited. Both AIMS Software Limited, and the AIMS software application are compliant with EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). All processing of personal data in relation to the STFOI programme is processed in compliance with the obligations under Article 32 of the GDPR relating to security of processing.
We protect your identity and account information with two-factor authentication (2FA). This protects your username and password by requiring you to provide an email address verification to prove your identity. We also protect your data and defend against cybersecurity threats. We encrypt data in transit. Data access security is provided by hosting the AIMS software platform with managed firewall services on Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud, with all data stored in the EU. As well as a next generation firewalls, there is also a
reverse proxy server in front of the application for added security. Up to date anti-virus systems to scan all attachments being loaded into the system as well as OS scanning.
We take strong measures to ensure access to your data is restricted and carefully define the requirements for any users of your data, who form part of the delivery team or are involved into the evaluation and monitoring of projects.
You can access your own data at any time and for any reason by contacting